The Pavillon Bleu label

The Pavillon Bleu label for 12 Destination Pornic beaches
Seven municipalities in the Loire-Atlantique received the Pavillon Bleu label for the quality of their beaches.
We are very proud that four of them are in Destination Pornic, in La Bernerie-en-Retz, Pornic, Préfailles and Saint Michel-Chef-Chef.
The beaches certified in 2022
Saint Michel-Chef-Chef: Gohaud, Tharon, Plage du Redois
Préfailles: L'Anse du SudPort Meleu, La Grande plage
Pornic: La SourseBirochère, L'étang, La Noëveillard, Le Porteau, Portmain
La Bernerie-en-Retz: Plan d'eau
The Pavillon Bleu label
Pavillon Bleu is a label strongly associated with tourism and a symbol of remarkable environmental quality. Each year it is awarded on a voluntary basis, using four broad criteria: environmental education, the general environment, waste management and water management. Created by the French branch of the Foundation for Environmental Education in Europe in 1985, each year, the Pavillon Bleu label showcases the municipalities and marinas which continuously carry out a policy of sustainable tourism development.